I do not consider myself a writer. When I picture a writer, I think of a person who writes because they must. They need to put pen to paper and create. It is part of living for them. These people seem to enjoy the art of journaling and writing without necessarily an end goal in sight. I am not this kind of writer. Instead, perhaps you could call me a utilitarian writer or a pragmatic writer. And in that sense, I feel that I am quite adept at the craft. I write to accomplish a purpose. I write to finish a school paper, design marketing material, or a church program.
Writing for a blog seems very much like journaling except that others are expected to read what you pen. However, I have been inspired recently by many friends and family's blogs who have effectively used their blogs as a way to keep everyone informed about their lives and activities. That to me seems filled with purpose, and while I can't imagine most people caring to know about my daily activities, I figure I can at least make a go of it. So here goes...
I seem to fallen into a habit of taking on way too much stuff in my life every Fall. As September started I thought I was being a good girl because I had turned down the offer to join a bowling league team again. Yay, one more night free. Yea right! There are just too many good things to be a part of. On Monday nights, Maile (my roommate) and I are taking a personal finance class. The course is called Financial Peace University and is through Dave Ramsey's organization. I had heard recommendations from many many people who had taken the course so I got pumped about getting debt free and experiencing a sense of freedom from the stress of finances. The class so far is very, very good. I would recommend it to anyone!
I decided a few months ago to take on the role of leading worship at my church's women's retreat for the fourth year in a row. This is one of those things that you forget every year how much work goes into it. Lucky for me, this year I have my mom on my team and she is indispensable in the help and knowledge she brings to the table. It has made planning this year and preparing for this year's retreat so much easier. Thank you Mom!!! So my Tuesday evenings are generally spent with my wonderful team of gals who are leading this shin-dig with me. We jam together at Jody's house for a couple hours learning songs, working through the music and laughing a lot.
Wednesdays were supposed to be this glorious night off. So far, that hasn't really been the case. Something seems to pop up each week. But they tend to be awesome stuff like taking my workaholic friend Jay out on the town or shopping at REI with my parents. Every couple of weeks an evening meeting is thrown in for good sobering measure.
Worship team meets on Thursdays but I'm not always on the team so I get a night off every so often.
Fridays and Saturdays are the nights that my mom and I usually usher at the Portland Center for Performing Arts a couple times a month. This has been great. I love that I get to do this with my mom and we get to see a lot of shows; many of which are awesome and the occasional one that you wish you could sneak out of except for the fact that you are ushering the darn thing.
Saturday mornings...er, Saturday afternoons are my time to hang out with Maile and get some good roommate time in. Recently she has taken over the bar at Paddy's where she works so she often doesn't get home until after 5am on Friday nights. Thus the shift from our roommate breakfasts to our roommate brunches as she needs to sleep until at least noon. I love this time I get to spend with her and rarely will give it up for things that come up that could conflict with it.
Sundays I spend with the community of faith at Greater Portland Bible Church. My parents are a part of the same church as I am so I get to serve alongside them in ministry. It also means I get the privilege of spending time with them at least once a week (if not more) as we have lunch after church. I really cherish and enjoy the time I get to spend hanging out with them. They are awesome. I really have amazing parents.
On Sunday nights I run the sound and lights for Alpha. Alpha is a place for people to come without fear of judgement or condemnation to hear more about Jesus and the Christian faith and ask any questions they may have about spiritual matters. The evening starts with dinner, then a video, then a time for small group discussion. I'm hoping that people find answers and peace to life's most difficult questions and discover the hope to be found in the person and diety of Jesus.
So anyway, that is a little snapshot of my life. In case you didn't know...I work full time at my church. I provide administrative support to several ministries including worship and missions. I won't offer commentary about working for a church. I'll perhaps save that for another post. However, I'll say that it is both a very rewarding and purpose filled vocation and one filled with the burden of many, many people's lives.