Monday, September 29, 2008

Irises and Shows

So I decided with all this good weather we had this weekend and free time I actually had, I would do some yard work in my little patch of land out back of the apartment. I was pruning down my irises and must have done something not right because I can barely move today my back hurts so bad. It is fine when I am sitting still but I am having a very difficult time rising from a sitting position or bending over in the slightest. Oi, that'll teach me to do yard work. On the other hand, my iris bed sure looks good.

On Saturday night, Dad and Mom and I went to a concert that some of our friends were putting on. It was very good. Tammie Dees has such an incredible voice. She did everything from Jazz classics to Opera. Tricia Collier, who I sing on worship team with, was also there performing with Tammie. Here is a picture of the two of them on stage. Good job girls!!
Mom and I ushered this weekend at the Newmark Theater for Menopause the Musical. The show was hilarious but just as hilarious were all the menopausal, hot flashing groups of giggling women who came in for the show. The room was absolutely freezing before we opened and once the seats were filled it was nearly hot. There were only like 10 guys in the auditorium. Some of them definitely looked like they had been dragged in there. Ha! I think it was good for them, though, to gain a greater understanding for what women go through. I definitely think that women got the worse end of the curse. Course, we did eat the apple first...

1 comment:

Arlene Winn said...

Sound like a fun weekend. I especially like the part about gardening. We planted trees and in the rain ( a rare occurrence on our side of the state) I too have some sore muscles!
I hope you get to feeling better soon!